Having robust safety programs and policies is critical for maintaining safety standards, but they will eventually fail unless you have a solid, repeatable plan on how to disseminate that information to all employees.

EverSAFE University is that plan. The goal of EverSAFE University is to provide Evergreen North America employees with the best possible training in the industry. All training is designed with the principles of EverSAFE in mind, focused on leading every task correctly and as safely as possible every time. We accomplish this goal by having a dedicated training and employee development department that is focused on the advancement of all employees.
Through EverSAFE University, we provide our employees with personalized career development plans that give them a roadmap on how to advance within the company and the industry. We also emphasize leadership development by recognizing leadership qualities and providing coaching and mentoring. As our employees advance, we offer the tools they need to sharpen their skills and ensure their success. Whether its help with a toolbox topic, remote training, or creating new training, EverSAFE University is a continuous resource for all employees.
At Evergreen, we are committed to continuously evaluating and updating our programs to ensure we are providing the most recent training in a matter that not only educates but also invigorates our employees. As our customers needs evolve and technology advances, so will the training provided by EverSAFE University.